Rocky Point Union Free School District Departments | School Health Programs

School Health Programs 

Health Programs

The Health Services Department provides services and health education to children, staff, home and community members with an emphasis on prevention. Good health contributes to learning ability; therefore , we are focused on assisting children to attain their best conditions for learning and success.

The Health Services Program includes, mandated yearly vision, hearing and scoliosis exams. Parent and guardians are responsible for the medical core of a problem reported by the school physician and should return all forms as soon as they have been completed by your private Health Care Provider. Inquires and injections that occur must be treated at home or by a Health Care provider. 

Communicable health concerns including (head lice, pinworms, scabies, "pink eye", and strep infections, etc.) along with immunizations, test, injuries or unusual illness, must be reported to your child's Health Office. This will enable the Health Services Department to better protect your child's health and the health of the school community. 

All Medication must be submitted to the Health Office, where they will be dispensed per the doctors instructions, further enabling the Health Services Department to better protect your child's health.

New York State Screening and Health Exam Requirements